The IOF Command


Any combination of options that can be requested through the IOF Option Menu (or one of its sub-menus) can also be requested directly using the IOF command. The IOF command can be entered in any environment in which normal TSO commands or CICS transactions are accepted. It is the only way to start up an IOF session when running from a line-mode terminal, a TSO clist, or REXX exec. The IOF command also can be entered from any IOF panel to start a new IOF session.


The general syntax for the IOF command follows.


IOF jobname/* [SCOPE(scope)] [DEST(dest)] [CLASS (classes)] [JOBNAME (jobname-list)] [jOBID(job-id)] [INPUT/OUTPUT/RUNNING/GROUP/DEVICE/MONITOR/QUEUE/MAS} [SELECT(criteria-name)] [VALUE(comp-value)] [FROMNODE(JES2-node)] [TONODE(JES2-node)] [XEQNODE(JES2-node)] [DEVDEST(device-dest)] [MYJOBS/ALLJOBS] [SORT(sort-name)] [APPC] [CURRENT] [CLIST] [JOBLIST] [OPTMENU]

jobname/*. Specifies the generic name of the job or jobs that are to be selected for review. An asterisk ( * ) means that you don't want to request a specific job name but do have other operands following the asterisk.

A plus ( + ) in the job name means exactly one arbitrary character. An asterisk ( * ) as the last character means zero or more arbitrary characters. For example a job name of AB+D* would match any job name that begins with AB and has D as its fourth character.

You can also specify jobname(job-id) if you want to select a specific job based on job name and id.

         IOF  PAYROLL(J2381)

SCOPE(scope). Indicates that you do not want the default scope for this IOF session. To see another user's jobs, specify the userid in the SCOPE parm.

         IOF  *  SCOPE(SMITHJ)

To see the jobs associated with your user group, specify GROUP.

         IOF  *  SCOPE(GROUP)

To see the jobs associated with another group, specify the name of the other group.

         IOF  *  SCOPE(MANUF)

DEST(dest-ids). Specifies that this IOF session should be limited to only those jobs (or output groups) with a destination that matches one of these destinations. Up to eight can be requested, and must be separated by either a space or a comma.

CLASS(classes). Specifies that this IOF session should be limited based on the input class of jobs or the output class of output groups. Up to eight input/output classes may be requested. Multiple classes are requested without delimiting blanks.

         IOF  *  CLASS(AGR)

JOBNAME(jobname-list). Specifies up to eight generic job names for this session, separated by blanks.

JOBID(job-id). Specifies the JES2 job identifier for a job to be reviewed.

INPUT. Specifies that only input jobs are to be displayed on the IOF Job List.

OUTPUT. Specifies that only output jobs are to be displayed on the IOF Job List.

RUNNING. Specifies that only running jobs are to be displayed on the IOF Job List.

GROUP. Specifies that the IOF Output Group Display should be invoked to display output groups.

DEVICE. Specifies that the IOF Device Options Menu should be displayed. From this menu you can request a display of any JES2 devices. You also can request a specific device directly from the IOF command.

         IOF  *  DEVICE(PRT1)

MONITOR. Specifies that the IOF System Monitor panel should be displayed. You also can request specific types of address spaces to be monitored. For example you could request,

         IOF  *  MONITOR(OTSU)

to see only TSO users.

QUEUE. Requests a display of the input job queue statistics.

MAS. Specifies the display of IOF JES2 System Display.

SELECT(criteria-name). Specifies the name of a selection criteria that is to be applied when selecting jobs for the Job List or output groups for the Output Group Display. The VALUE operand (see below) can be used as a parm to the SELECT routine. For example you could request,

         IOF  *  SELECT(SIZE)  VALUE(100)

which would select only jobs with more than 100 track groups.

You can specify as many SELECT clauses as you want on an IOF command, but the VALUE for each clause must immediately follow the SELECT operand.

Each type of display has its own valid SELECT routines.

For jobs:

SIZE - Only jobs with more track groups than VALUE

HELD - - - Only jobs that are held by the operator

STC - - - Only started tasks

TSU - Only TSO users

JOB - Only jobs

HELDOUT - Only jobs with held output

BUSY - Only jobs that are busy printing

SYSID - Only jobs running on system id matching VALUE

XMIT - Only jobs on the transmit queue

SYSLOG - Only the running SYSLOG task

For output groups:

FORMS - Groups with FORMS matching VALUE

UCS - - Groups with UCS matching VALUE

WTRID - - Groups with WTRID matching VALUE

FCB - - Groups with FCB matching VALUE

FLASH - Groups with FLASH matching VALUE

BUSY - Groups busy on a printer

SYSID - - Groups with system affinity matching VALUE

HARDCOPY - Only groups on hard copy queue

TRANSMIT - Only groups on transmit queue



OPERHOLD - Only groups held by operator

USIDDEST - Only groups with userid-type destination

DAYSOLD - Groups more days old than VALUE

WTRIDANY - Groups with any writer id

MAILID - Groups that are mail for VALUE userid

SIZE - Groups with more records than VALUE

VALUE(comp-value). Specifies a comparison value for the preceding SELECT operand. You can specify as many SELECT clauses as you want on the IOF command, but the VALUE for a SELECT clause must immediately follow the SELECT operand.


FROMNODE(JES2-node). Select only jobs that were submitted from this JES2 node.

TONODE(JES2-node). Select only jobs that are to be printed at this node.

XEQNODE(JES2-node). Select only jobs that are to execute at this node.

DEVDEST(device-dest). Select only devices that are associated with one of these destinations (up to eight).

MYJOBS. Requests that this session be restricted to your jobs. This operand would normally only be entered if you are an authorized user (OPERATOR authority, etc.), and you are trying to look at some subset of your own jobs. For authorized users, if you request DEST, CLASS, or other restricting criteria it is assumed that you want to see all jobs (or output groups) in the system that match the criteria.

This is a way for you to request restricting criteria and also restrict the display to only your jobs.

ALLJOBS. Requests that all jobs be considered for this session, even if DEST, SCOPE or other restricting criteria have been specified.

SORT(sort-name). Specifies the name of the sort algorithm to be used to order the list of jobs, output groups, or devices. Each type of display has its own set of valid sort algorithms:

Jobs       Name           Description
           Default        Job id within job name
           INVNULL        Inverse order on queue
           DEST           Destination
           NULL           Order on queue
           JOB#           Job number
           SIZE           Number of track groups
           AGE            Inverse date/time of output

Groups Name               Description
           Default        Order on queue
           SIZE           Number of records
           FORMS          Output forms
           UCS            Output UCS
           FCB            Output FCB
           WTRID          Writer id
           FLASH          Flash
           INVNULL        Inverse order on queue

Devices Name              Description
           Default        Order found in JES2

APPC. If GROUP is also specified, only output groups generated by APPC transactions will be selected. If MONITOR is also specified, then only active APPC sessions will be displayed.

CURRENT. Selects the current user's TSO session (or batch job) for review.

CLIST.Specifies that this IOF command is coming from a TSO clist and that IOF should read subsequent input from the clist. See Chapter 18 for more information about running IOF from a clist.

JOBLIST. Requests that the IOF session should be positioned to the IOF Job List (or Output Group Display or Device List Display) for clist applications. In several cases, like selecting a specific job by name, IOF will go directly through the Job List Menu to the IOF Job Summary if there is only one matching job.

When you are writing a clist you need to know exactly which panel you are going to be on as a result of the IOF command. The JOBLIST operand allows you to force IOF to always stop on the Job List Menu, the Output Group Display, or the Device List Menu.

OPTMENU. If specified, all other parms are ignored, and the IOF Option Menu is displayed. This parm is useful in clist and REXX applications.


The IOFNEST command is used to nest a new IOF session under the current session. IOFNEST has all the same parameters and syntax as the IOF command.


The NESTEXIT command terminates a nested IOF session and returns to the original IOF session.

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