One or more maintenance newsletters for your IOF/TSO system are attached.
IOF maintenence may include AMASPZAP patches, and/or source or text updates.

                            AMASPZAP PATCHES

Patches must to be applied to IOF load modules.  The NAME statement for
each AMASPZAP patch references a distributed base module name, such as
BAST7D0M.  The patch should be applied to this base distribution module so
that it will be picked up by any future IOF gen performed.  The M53ZAP job
in the IOF install library provides the necessary JCL to apply the patch to
the distributed "BAS" module.  After the patch has been applied to the
"BAS" module.  You can then run the M13GEN and M32COPY jobs from the install
library to incorporate the patch into the production system modules.

You may prefer to patch the applicable link list or LPA load module directly
instead of running M13GEN and M32COPY.  To do this, first patch the "BAS"
module as described above.  Then change the NAME statement(s) to point to
the correct production load module name(s) and patch the appropriate link
list or LPA library.  The corresponding load module names are:

      Distributed Module   Link/LPA module      Description
        BASTvv0M              IOFTvvxM          Main IOF module
        BASTvv0A              IOFTvvxA          Auxiliary Module
        BASTvv0U              IOFTvvxU          User Options Module
        BASTvv0P              IOFTvvxP          Panel Module

where "vv" is your IOF version and "x" is your local generation level.

When in doubt about your current version, enter the "VERSION" command from
any IOF panel to determine the correct "vv" and "x" values.  The response
from the "VERSION" command will be a short message in the upper right
corner, such as "VER7D.1".  This provides the "vv" and "x" values.  In the
example, "7D" is the "vv" and "1" is the "x".  Thus the load modules would

                          SOURCE or TEXT UPDATES

IOF 7D has a new system for applying updates to the SOURCE, HELP, CLIST and
other text data sets.  To apply updates, first determine your current IOF
version as described above.  Copy the update fix to the IOF UPDATES library
at the appropriate level.  Use the IOF fix number as the member name.  For
example, if you are running version 7D1, your IOF prefix is IOFGEN, then
fix number T7D9876 should be copied into:


To apply the fix, go to ISPF Option 6.  Assuming your IOF prefix is IOFGEN,
                   EX 'IOFGEN.IOFT7D1.INSTALL(VFIX)'

Respond to the prompts to apply the fix to your IOF level 1 and optionally
your IOF level 0 data set(s).