System Monitor Panel

Displaying the System Monitor Panel

The IOF System Monitor can be invoked by authorized users by entering:

M from the IOF Option Menu

/M from any IOF panel

The System Monitor Option Menu is also available to assist in selecting the specific categories of address spaces to be monitored. It can be displayed by entering M? on the IOF Option Menu or /M? from any IOF panel.

Line Commands

The following line commands can be entered in the action area to the left of any displayed address space. These commands can also be entered in the command area at the top of the screen when preceded by the menu number of the address space. The commands are:

Parms for Line Commands in the Command Area

Job characteristics also can be modified from the command area. To mod job, follow the M command with the name of the field to be modified a new value as a parameter. For example, to change the service class of job on the menu to BKGR, enter:

           3  M  SRVCLASS(BKGR)
in the command area.

The following modification operands can be used with the commands:

           Operand            Function                     

           DEST(route)          Set job destination to the route code.

           PERFORM(g)           Set the performance group of
                                running job to g (WLM COMPAT mode)
           SRVCLASS(c)          Set the service class of an input or
                                running job to c (WLM GOAL mode)
           QUIESCED(YES/NO)     Set WLM GOAL mode quiesced state.

Primary Commands

The IOF System Monitor provides comprehensive commands to manipulate the list of address spaces. Primary commands, which apply to the whole list, must be entered in the command area at the top of the screen.

Start Automatic Display Update

In the TSO environment, the EVERY command can be used to begin automatically updating the monitor display at a specific interval.


Every sss

sss. The automatic update interval in seconds.

The keyboard will be locked while automatic updating is in effect. Pressing attention on the terminal is required to break out of automatic update mode.

Exclude Address Spaces from the List

Exclude address spaces from the menu based on some display field meeting a specified condition. EXCLUDE with no operands nullifies all previous exclude commands.


EXCLude fieldname operator string

fieldname. The display field name. See the Appendix for detailed information on using HELP to determine field names.

operator. Comparison operator. Valid operators are EQ, NE, LT, GT, CT (containing), NC (not containing), BG (beginning), and NB (not beginning).

string. The string to be compared against. If string is not specified then the comparison is done against a null field. The string can be enclosed in single quotes.


              EXCL  JOBID BG S
              EXCL  REAL  LT 500
              EXCL           (Negate all previous exclude commands)

Unexclude Address Spaces from the List

Return excluded address spaces to the menu based on a display field meeting a specified condition.


UNEXcl fieldname operator string

fieldname. The display field name. See the Appendix for detailed information on using HELP to determine field names.

operator. Comparison operator. Valid operators are EQ, NE, LT, GT, CT (containing), NC (not containing), BG (beginning), and NB (not beginning).

string. The string to be compared against. If string is not specified then the comparison is done against a null field.

Sort the List

Sort the list of address spaces based on a displayed field. Sort with no operands reverts to the default sort order.


SORT      field1   [A/D]   [field2   A/D    field3   A/D    field4 A/D]

field1 Display field on which to sort. See the Appendix for detailed information on using HELP to determine field names, or enter the FIELD command with the cursor pointing to a field to determine the field name.

A. Sort in ascending sequence. This is the default for the first sort field. A or D must be specified for other sort fields.

D. Sort in descending order.

field2, field3, field4. Optional additional sort fields.

OFF. Disable sorting on this panel.


              SORT  CPURATE  D
              SORT  REAL

Determine a Panel Field Name

Determine the official field name of a displayed field on the panel.



Point the cursor to the field whose field name is to be determined. When running under ISPF, a popup window will be displayed. From TSO or CICS, the field name will be displayed in the short error message area to the right of the top line on the screen.

Find an Address Space

Find an address space in the list.


FIND [ fieldname ] string

fieldname. A field name can optionally be specified to designate the search field. JOBNAME is the default field name if none is specified. See the Appendix for detailed information on using HELP to determine field names.

string. The string to be found.


              FIND CICS
              FIND JOBID    J08862

Locate an Address Space

Locate the first address space with a field equal to or greater than a specified value. The list should previously be sorted on the field.


LOCate [ fieldname ] string

fieldname. A field name can optionally be specified to designate the locate field. JOBNAME is the default field name if none is specified. See the Appendix for detailed information on using HELP to determine field names.

string. The string to be located.


         LOCATE    PA                         (Locate first job name beginning PA   or greater)


Up and Down

Scroll the System Monitor display up or down.


Down / Up [ nnn / Max ]

nnn. Number of rows to scroll up or down.

Max. Scroll to the top or bottom of the menu.

Right and Left

Scroll the menu to the left or right.


Right / Left [ nnn / Max ]

nnn. Number of columns to scroll right or left.

Max. Scroll to the right or left margin.

Display Extended Information

Display additional information about each address space in the list to the far right of the display. The added information is not resident in memory and must be read from disk. Therefore, this command may be restricted at your installation.

Information such as job submission time stamp, user name, account number, job execution time stamp, and job age is displayed when extend is on.



ON/OFF. Enable or disable extend. ON is default if neither ON nor OFF is specified.

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