Modifiable Sysout Attributes

There are several IOF functions that allow you to specify sysout attributes for a sysout data set or output group. The table below describes all of the sysout attributes supported by IOF and indicates which IOF functions allow each attribute.

The Type column below indicates which functions allow that attribute. A P in the type column for an attribute means that it is allowed in the data set print command from IOF Job Summary and in the SS command. The SS command allows you to establish print attributes for subsequent SNAP requests.

A M in the type column means that the attribute can be used in the held data set modify function from the IOF Job Summary. The held data set function (M on IOF Job Summary) can only be used for sysouts that indicate HELD in their STATUS column.

A G in the type column means that the attribute can be used in the output group modify function (M) on the IOF Output Group Display and in the output group modify function (MG) on the IOF Job Summary. The MG function for IOF Job Summary is only supported for data sets that have a value displayed in their GRP field.

ADDR1(address)              P,G    1st line of addr. for banner
ADDR2(address)              P,G    2nd line of addr. for banner
ADDR3(address)              P,G    3rd line of addr. for banner
ADDR4(address)              P,G    4th line of addr. for banner
BUILDING(name)              P,G    Building name for print banner
BLDG                        P,G    Building name for print banner
Burst(Y/N)                  P,M    Burst option for 3800 printers
CC(A/M/NONE)                P      Carriage control (SS command only)
CHARS(tables)               P,M    Character tables (up to 4)
CKPTLNS(nn)                 P,M    Lines in logical checkpt page
CKPTPGS(nn)                 P,M    Logical pages between checkpts
CLass(class)                P,M,G  Sysout class
COMSETUP                    P,G    Specifies options for microfiche printers
COPIES(nn)                  P,M    Copies to be printed
COPYG(groups)               P,M    Copy groups for 3800 printer
DEPT(name)                  P,G    Dept. name for print banner
Dest(dest)                  P,M,G  Destination for data. Note that there is room to specify a full IP dest.
DISP(disposition)           P,G    Output disposition (WRITE/KEEP/HOLD)
DPAGELBL(Y/N)               P,G    DPAGELBL option
FCB(fcb)                    P,M,G  FCB value
FLash(flash)                P,M,G  Flash value
FLASHC(nn)                  P,M    Number of copies to be flashed
FORMDEF(spec)               P,G    Form definition
Forms(forms)                P,M,G  Output forms value
Index(offset)               P,M    Right offset for 3211 printer
Lindex(nn)                  P,M    Left offset for 3211 printer
LINEct(nn)                  P,M    Lines to print per page
MODIFY(module)              P,M    Copy modification module
Modtrc(index)               P,M    Index into CHARS tables
NAME(name)                  P,G    Name for print banner
NOTIFY1(userid)             P,G    Notify user(s) when printed
NOTIFY2(userid)             P,G    Notify user(s) when printed
NOTIFY3(userid)             P,G    Notify user(s) when printed
NOTIFY4(userid)             P,G    Notify user(s) when printed
OUTBIN                      P,G    Specifies the output bin
OUTNAME(ddname)             P      Pre-allocated target (SS command only)
PAGEDEF(spec)               P,G    Page definition
PIMSG(Y/N)                  P,G    PSF printer messages wanted
PIMSG#(nn)                  P,G    Number of messages
PRMODE(mode)                P,M,G  Processing mode
PRTERROR                    P.G    IP dest; action on print error
PRTOPTNS                    P,G    IP dest; printer options
PRTQUEUE                    P,G    IP dest; print queue ID
PRTY                        P      Priority
RETAINS                     P,G    IP dest; OK retention period
RETAINF                     P,G    IP dest; fail retention period
RETRYL                      P,G    IP dest; retry limit count
RETRYT                      P,G    IP dest; retry time interval
ROOM(name)                  P,G    Room name for print banner
SYSAREA(Y/N)                P,G    Reserve area for messages
TITLE(title)                P,G    Title for print banner
TRC(Y/N)                    P,G    Table reference chars.
UCS(ucs)                    P,M,G  Universal character set
USERDT01...16               P,M,G  Userdata fields
USERLIB1(dsname)            P,G    User libraries for formats
USERLIB2(dsname)            P,G    User libraries for formats
USERLIB3(dsname)            P,G    User libraries for formats
USERLIB4(dsname)            P,G    User libraries for formats
USERLIB5(dsname)            P,G    User libraries for formats
USERLIB6(dsname)            P,G    User libraries for formats
USERLIB7(dsname)            P,G    User libraries for formats
USERLIB8(dsname)            P,G    User libraries for formats
Wtrid(writer)               P,M,G  External writer name
Z                           P,M    Compaction table name

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